0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

Introductory Course Leaders Course


SKU: ICLC Category:


20 – 22 Jan 2021 – Brighton (at the Upledger office)

You have done a fair amount of training, you are regularly using CST in your practice, you are getting interesting and even magical results and have even been inspired to do your Techniques exam… People are starting to ask if they can learn about what you are doing, and you are even feeling the desire to share in a slightly different way bubble up from inside…

Is your next step to become an Introductory Course Leader?

If so, hurray! 

This is the course which is part of the programme to help you to do just that. Over these three days, the inspiring and experienced Maggie Gill will share with you:

  • A lot of practical and experiential tips for how to share the more basic techniques that we do
  • Presentation tips and techniques
  • The influence of language
  • Things to be aware of and think about in setting up classes, and other aspects of organisation
  • A thorough manual
  • A step-by-step outline of how to structure the class you will teach
  • Versions of the images you will be likely to use while teaching
  • Possible answers to many of the FAQs you will be asked by students in your classes
  • Practice in presenting short aspects of the course
  • And, no doubt, much more too… 

To become an Introductory Course leader what else will you need to do?

In our desire to maintain the quality and integrity of the work and stay consistent to the ethos and values, we are asking that you have reached a certain level of understanding of and degree of exposure to Dr Upledger’s CranioSacral Therapy, through: 

  • Having completed Advanced 1 or beyond
  • Having passed your Techniques exam
  • Having TA’d a CST1 in the last two years
  • Having TA’d or assisted an Introductory Course with an experienced leader in the last two years
  • Having attended this three day course

Once all these boxes are ticked, you are invited to and supported in setting up your own Introductory Courses, which UIUK will help you advertise by putting them on the website, events calendar and letting anyone from your area know about it. It gives you a chance to share your work and to make some money in a different way. For some of us, it can be the perfect next step on our journey. 

If you have any more questions about this, please give us a call.

Additional information


Full amount £250


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