0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

Advanced CranioSacral Therapy 3


SKU: ADV3 Category:


Advanced CranioSacral Therapy 3 offers another chance for in-depth experiential sessions for committed CranioSacral Therapy practitioners. Just as in Advanced 1 and 2, the course is five intensive days, with two groups of five students led by a team of a senior UI instructor and highly experienced staff therapists. Mornings are given over to discussion, and in the afternoon sessions each student is treated by the other four in the group.

The difference with Advanced 1 and 2 is that the level of participating therapists is so much higher and the depth of the work we can experience and explore for ourselves even greater. Maybe it is an imperative indulgence? An indulgent imperative? It is so vital that we keep doing the work on ourselves, and this is a superb way to continue to do so.
You will:
  • Participate in multiple-hands sessions
  • Benefit from one-on-one instructor-participant skill evaluation
  • Refine technique applications and further develop palpatory capabilities
  • Participate in an in-depth mind/body integration study using the craniosacral system as the core vehicle

Advanced CranioSacral Therapy 2 (ADV2)

Required Advance Reading:


Accommodation costs are in addition to the course fee. They are typically in the region of £500.

We will be likely to run it this course again in a few years time. If you are interested, please let us know, as we have a waiting / interested list.


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