Calendar 2022-23

Core Curriculum Courses

CranioSacral Therapy 1 14 – 17 Sept ’22 Kenilworth Joe Gore
CranioSacral Therapy 1 30 Nov – 3 Dec ’22 Brighton Maggie Gill
CranioSacral Therapy 1 15 – 18 March ’23 London Joe Gore
CranioSacral Therapy 1 14 – 17 June ’23 Brighton Caroline Barrow
CranioSacral Therapy 1 Sept ’23 tbc Scotland tbc
CranioSacral Therapy 1 29 Nov – 2 Dec ’23 Brighton Caroline Barrow
CranioSacral Therapy 2 16 – 19 Nov ’22 Brighton Caroline Barrow
CranioSacral Therapy 2 8 – 11 March ’23 Kenilworth Maggie Gill
CranioSacral Therapy 2 28 June – 1 July ’23 Brighton Caroline Barrow
CranioSacral Therapy 2 8 – 11 Nov ’23 London Maggie Gill
SomatoEmotional Release 1 22 – 25 March ’23 Brighton Maggie Gill
SomatoEmotional Release 1 Nov 23 tbc Kenilworth Maggie Gill
SomatoEmotional Release 2 11 – 14 Oct ’23 Brighton TBC
Advanced 1 18 – 22 Oct ’22 Somerset Stan Gerome
Advanced 1 17 – 21 Oct ’23 Somerset TBC

More Training Courses

* Please check pre-requisites required

Course Name Date Location Taught by: 
Advanced 2 TBC TBC TBC
The Brain Speaks 1 TBC
SER & Mastering the Inner Physician (old TIDI) TBC Brighton Stan Gerome
CST Touching the Brain 1 TBC TBC Erla Olafsdottir
CST Touching the Brain 2 12 – 15 Oct ’22 Brighton Erla Olafsdottir
CST & the Immune Response TBC TBC TBC
CST for Paediatrics 1 TBC TBC TBC
CST for Paediatrics 2 TBC TBC TBC
Clinical Applications for Advanced TBC TBC TBC
Clinical Applications for CST  (for TFS students only) 19 – 23 Sept ’22 Brighton Caroline Barrow
Clinical Applications for CST  TBC Brighton Maggie Gill
Introductory Course Leaders Course TBC Brighton Maggie Gill

Training from Scratch Check-in Sessions (on Zoom)

An opportunity for any Training from Scratch students to check in with Caroline, talk about how they are progressing, and where they are with the ongoing requirements of the programme. And any other questions. The sessions will be on Zoom, for an hour, 9.30-10.30am.

Monday 6th June
Monday 12th Sept
Monday 12th December
Friday 3rd March
Monday 5th June

‘Developing Confidence’ Classes

These are run by our teachers or sometimes other Advanced practitioners. They are intended to review and deepen your understanding of the material in the classes, and occassionally go ‘off piste’ from the core curriculum to some of the concepts developed in other classes.

Check back soon for upcoming classes.

Introductory Classes

These are run by some of our Advanced and suitably trained practitioners. They are, therefore, in different locations. We can also organise them if you have a group of people interested. Please check back or get in touch if you are looking for a course in your area.

Dates: TBC
Course Times: Sat: 9.30am–5.30pm, Sun: 9am-4pm approx
Venue: CoreHealth Chiropractic, 2 Main Street, Prestwick, KA9 1NX
Cost: The fee of £170 includes refreshments (tea/coffee and lunches) and a study guide.
Contact Francesca McCluskie: or telephone 01292 502 292.

Online Anatomy 2022

Run by the College of Body Science

Following on from the 2021 series, we have three more classes scheduled for the start of 2022. We will also be starting the series again from the beginning in March – scroll down for dates.

11. Peripheral Nerves: cervical plexus (neck) – Tuesday 11 & Wednesday 12 January 2022 10am-1pm

12. Peripheral Nerves: brachial plexus (arms) – Wednesday 9 & Thursday 10 February 2022 10am-1pm

13. Peripheral Nerves: lumbosacral plexus (legs) – Wednesday 9 & Thursday 10 March 2022 10am-1pm

These three classes will also review the muscles and other structures in the neck, arms and legs.

Cranial Anatomy 1 – 4 & the Spine (all our craniosacral system!)
Each of these sessions will dive more deeply into the basics that we need to know for Craniosacral Therapy as well as present newer information and recent research where it has become relevant. If anyone has done Inside the Cranium before it is reviewing some of this and taking it further. Each day will run from 10am-1pm, with a good break in the middle to rest our eyes and brains!

1. Cranial Bones and their Features Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3 March 2022 10am-1pm
Bones, sutures, dips, foramen, fossa, grooves and more, touching on what goes through the holes, elongates the processes and creates the grooves!

2. Intracranial Membranes & Fluids Wednesday 6 & Thursday 7 April 2022 10am-1pm
Details on the levels and structure of the membranes, their infolds and spaces, and their importance in providing venous and CSF drainage; as well as how blood gets to the head and circulates.

3. Cranial Nerves Wednesday 4 & Thursday 5 May 2022 10am-1pm
A fly through the ever popular cranial nerves for those who have not covered this topic before (or need a good review!)

4. Anatomy of the Mouth, Pharynx and ‘Avenue of Expression’ Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 June 2022 10am-1pm
Get really clear on the muscles, ligaments, vessels and nerve pathways of the floor of the mouth, soft palate, hyoid bone attachments and throat; great prep for SER work or as a review if its been a while!

5. Intricacies of the Spine Tuesday 12 & Wednesday 13 July 2022 10am-1pm
Looking in detail at the vertebrae and differences in different sections, the dural tube and spinal cord as they travel through the vertebral canal, and the early paths of the nerves as they leave the column.

6. Visceral – Thorax Thursday 8 & Friday 9 September 2022 10am-1pm

7. Visceral – Abdomen Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 October 2022 10am-1pm

8. Visceral – Pelvis Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3 November 2022 10am-1pm

9. Neuroanatomy 1 Thursday 8 & Friday 9 December 2022 10am-1pm

10. Neuroanatomy 2 Tuesday 10 & Wednesday 11 January 2023 10am-1pm

£150 per 2-day class, 5 or more for £120.

This will give you entry to the online class, links to the recordings, and workbooks / powerpoints to print out where applicable. If you have missed any, you can still pay to get the recording and workbook/notes.

To sign up please email either letting us know which courses you want to do and then BACS payment to

Account: The College of Body Science Ltd
Sort code: 09-06-66
Account Number: 41583675
BIC ABBYGB2LANB IBAN: GB52 ABBY 0906 6641 5836 75

Or to pay by card or ask any more questions, please call Marilyn in the office.

We will send out zoom links a few days before the classes.

Foundation Certificate: The Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology & Palpation Basics

Run by the College of Body Science

This is offered as part of the ‘Training from Scratch’ programme for those with no previous healthcare background.
You can also attend individual modules as a refresher or review. Full content details are on the Foundation Certificate page.

2022 – We will be having a break from this course in 2022, but will definitely be back in 2023. Do let us know if you want to go on the list for this.

This course will now be run mainly online with a 3-day in-person session at the end of the course.

Dates to give an idea of the format only.

10am-3pm on Mondays:

17, 24, 31 January
7, 21, 28 February
7, 14, 21, 28 March
9, 16, 23 May
20 June

In-person 12, 13, 14 July – Brighton, ‘Becoming a Therapist’.

Total course cost £1500. To book a space please call us on 0800 690 6966.

You can find all the College of Body Science’s courses on that website