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Clinical Applications Classes

(1 customer review)




Please contact the individual instructors directly to book these classes:

Clinical Applications for CST (CACS) – pre-req CST1 & 2

5 – 9 Dec 2019  Brighton
6 – 10 Aug 2020 Brighton

Taught by Maggie Gill CST-D MCSS at her Clinic in Brighton.  Contact mgcranio@yahoo.co.uk

Clinical Aplications for Training from Scratch 

TBC 2020 Brighton

Taught by Caroline Barrow CST-D MCSS. Contact mail@upledger.co.uk

Clinical Applications for SER (CASR) – pre-req SER1

13 – 17 Feb 2020 Brighton   

Taught by Maggie Gill CST-D MCSS at her Clinic in Brighton.  Contact mgcranio@yahoo.co.uk

Clinical Applications for Advanced CST (CAAC) – pre-req ADV1 

1 – 5 Aug 2019 Brighton
29 Oct – 2 Nov 2020 Brighton

Taught by Maggie Gill CST-D MCSS at her clinic in Brighton.  Contact  mgcranio@yahoo.co.uk

Clinical Applications for Paeds (CAP) – pre-req Paeds 1

17 – 21 Feb 2020 Marlow, Bucks

Taught by Nikki Kenward. Contact nikki.cranio@gmail.com

They are all five days. 

They are all limited to 4-6 people.

They will all move your practice forwards immensely.

They typically run from 9 or 10 – 5pm. Day 1 tends to be a review of the work, days 2 – 5 involve multi-hands treatments with clients in the mornings, where the instructor will be the lead therapist, and with participants in the afternoon, where other participants will take on the lead role. This is the typical format – there may of course be some variations to suit the individual group.

The courses are an immersion in the work, and participants’ experience range from the level of the prerequisites to Advanced 2. The small group and intense focus creates an extraordinary learning environment. Close support at all times from an experienced instructor means that students can gain insights from the opportunity to question, and also experience the effects of the work from all points of view.

Interested? Register your interest now by getting in touch with Maggie or Caroline. We will likely assign places pretty much on a first come first served basis. Please note you cannot pay through the website but will pay the instructors direct.

Obviously, six places isn’t so many. But if you out there express enough interest, we will run more. And why wouldn’t you? They will provide an extraordinary opportunity, often requested, for some personal feedback, personal growth and the chance to take a huge leap forward in all aspects of your practice. They can also be invaluable in preparing you for either exam. 

Get in touch asap…

1 review for Clinical Applications Classes

  1. Maggie Gill

    What attracted me to Clinical Applications classes?

    Some years ago one of the members of my Study Group reported that he had a brilliant experience of one of these classes in the USA. The last couple of years I have been a regular TA on SER1 classes in the states and fellow TAs were keen to tell me about the benefits they had experienced on the different levels of the Clinical Apps.

    I also spoke to Instructors of these classes and found they were their favourites to teach and they observed major increases in skills development in the participants . So – without further ado I signed up on CA-SER and registered my interest in teaching this group of classes in the future.

    The CA-SER was a beautiful experience for me to engage in. I found it to be similar in intensity to an Advanced Class, as the space allows all participants to engage in deep process work. Additionally there is the intimacy of a smaller group and the strong support of the Instructor, who is closely involved in all aspects of the 5 days.

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