0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

Workshops after the Cranio Sacral Society’s AGM – 1 & 2 June 2013

CST students and non CSS members are welcome to attend the Tribute to Dr John Upledger and workshops put on by the Cranio Sacral Society over the 1 & 2 June 2013 in London.

This is the programme:

Saturday June 1

12.30-13.30                 Lunch

13.30-15.00                 TRIBUTE TO DR JOHN
15.00-15.30                 Tea & networking

15.30-17.00                 WORKSHOP 1 – ‘Multi hands work and the Upledger     Community’

Sunday June 2

  9.30-11.00                 WORKSHOP 2 – ‘Significance detector – the essence of our practice’

11.00-11.30                 Coffee & Networking

11.30-13.00                 WORKSHOP 3 – ‘Silent dialogue – supporting the space for clients’ creative process’

13.00-14.00                 Lunch

14.00-15.30                 WORKSHOP 4 – ‘The Immune System, – from a CST perspective, in preparation for the immune class this coming November’



15.30-1600                  Tea & Close  


 The Saturday programme is free to CSS members and includes lunch.

Sunday programme (includes lunch) is £30.00 to members.

Saturday lunch and workshop plus Sunday programme £70.00 to non-members.


Click HERE for the booking form if you are interested in attending.