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Women’s Health Conference – Cambridge 9th April 2011

Lesley Clothier will be giving a 11/2 hour talk and demo on CranioSacral Therapy, with emphasis on SER and the Completion of Biological Process, at the Cambridge Conference of Women’s Health.
See this link for more info.
This conference is on Saturday 9th April 2011 and is run by the College of Chirokinetic Therapy. The theme is Women`s Health, .
Other speakers are Dr. Marilyn Glenville: Nutritional approach to women`s health;
                              Denise Tiran (mid-wife): The benefits of Reflexology and Aromatherapy in pregnancy and childbirth;
                              Dr. David Steven (chiropractor):  Chirokinetic Therapy for structural and Hormonal Imbalances, talk and demo;
And Lesley as above.
Anyone interested in attending should contact Madeleine Hickey Smith at maddyhickeysmith@googlemail.com
Obviously I will be getting Lesley to report back after the event!