Who benefits?

From newborns to the elderly, and for all sorts of issues…

Beause CST is in its essence about a way of connecting with another person, really, it is for anyone – there are practitioners who also work with animals (of varying sizes!). It is quite beautiful to treat newborns whose systems may have simply become a bit misaligned during their nine months’ ‘evolution’ or that sometimes challenging birth process, and the speed and efficiency with which they self correct is seemingly miraculous; it is also fantastic to work with older folk who want to keep their fascia and their functioning as top notch as possible. Used for maintenance of general health or regularly for more chronic problems, it is also something you can return to over long periods of time.

We have found over the years that there are many issues and problems that respond very well to the touch of CranioSacral Therapy. When changes can be made in the soft tissue structures housing the brain and spinal cord, in the rhythm that comes from the production of the fluid that surrounds the central nervous system and in the levels of tension held in any area, we have seen some, apparently miraculous, changes in people’s health and symptoms.

Whether you are looking to receive treatment for yourself or are a healthcare practitioner looking to expand the work that you offer (or both) you will find that CranioSacral Therapy can help with many conditions; there are some examples given below from both studies and testimonials: please contact a practitioner near you to find out more about a particular set of symptoms you may have, but please know we can not always say what will help without getting our hands on to feel what is going on in your body from the craniosacral system’s perspective.

Please also be aware that we do not make any diagnoses about medical conditions, unless we are otherwise qualified to do so and that level of medical ability is within our other scope of practice. We also highly recommend that anyone with a medically diagnosed condition, choosing to use CranioSacral Therapy, does so with the full knowledge and cooperation of their medical specialist.

That said:

“To whom it may concern… from Philip Wragg, April 2011

“I am 63 and have suffered from low back trouble since age 28. This compounded in the neck and shoulder area by helping my 30-year-old disabled son Tom (who has a head injury from a car accident 10 years ago and is wheelchair bound) move around. About 4 years ago I heard about CST and began receiving treatment, initially every week. Through these treatments my mobility has improved so that I now see my therapist only every 5-6 weeks – and only then if I have overdone it!
“Given my own positive experience, my therapist, along with other colleagues, has also worked on Tom over the last 3 years with quite exceptional results. Their treatment has triggered a sea change in his mobility, such that he can now use his right arm and hand. Poor circulation in his right leg has improved dramatically, as has his balance; he can now walk up to 100m with relatively little support. His general physical and mental wellbeing, confidence and speech have also improved greatly and continue to do so. In short, CST has transformed both our lives, and I can wholeheartedly recommend it, from specialists properly trained and accredited.”

The building of an evidence base

A 2008 study shows elderly people with dementia displayed significant decreases in physical aggression and verbal agitation, as well as greater cooperation and enjoyment of meaningful activities after receiving simply a daily still point (one of the techniques we regularly use) for six weeks.

A Descriptive Outcome study carried out in the UK by a GP and qualified practitioners showed that 74% of patients reported a valuable improvement in their presenting problem. And 67% also reported a valuable improvement in their general well-being and/or a second health problem. Outcome by diagnostic groups suggested that Upledger CST is particularly effective for patients with headaches and migraine, neck and back pain, anxiety and depression, and unsettled babies. Of patients on medication, 70% decreased or discontinued it, and patients’ average GP consultation rate fell by 60% in the six months following treatment.

Other studies have shown CST can be effective in fibromyalgia, migraines, lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), asthma and autism; and a population of elderly people with dementia had very positive reactions to it from just receiving one of the techniqes regularly, with quality of life improvements for themselves, their carers and families. Clearly, it would be beneficial to have more research done, and we are currently expanding the outcome study, but since our approach is not symptom-based, standardising treatment for conditions is not really in tune with the way we work. However, we are mentioning these  to show that a range of health issues have been looked at, have found benefit from CST, and testimonials could cover many more conditions.

Interested in getting a treatment? Find a practitioner near you on our Therapists page, or if you want to find out a bit more about how this therapy developed, have a look at our brief History.