Where to begin

‘Can I jump straight in with both feet?’

Are you already qualified in healthcare and insured to practice?

SInce our courses are designed as post graduate classes the majority of the students who attend the workshops are already qualified in another discipline and draw their core competence, ethics and registration from this primary discipline. Typically this would include osteopathy, chiropractic, physiotherapy, dentistry, massage therapy, sports massage, rolfing, myofascial techniqes, reflexology, aromatherapy and a variety of other trainings.

Primarily, you need to have a nationally recognised qualification, of at least level 3, an anatomy and physiology qualification to the same level at least, be insured to practice and then able to add this work to your cover.

If that is the case then great! Go straight to the details of our Core Training.

After completing the third module, SER1, you also begin to be eligible for More Training courses from the broader curriculum.

No previous healthcare experience? 

Perfect timing! If you want to become a practicing therapist but have no previous qualifications we can now offer you that training. The College of Body Science has developed a Foundation course, which you can pair with a slightly expanded route through our Core Curriculum classes and some extra support mechanisms alongside to get you to the point of becoming qualified – and a safe, confident and capable pair of hands!

Please find out all about Training from Scratch here.  This includes the new Foundation Certificate in Body Science as a part of the process.

Alternatively (as has been the case up until now) you can go and get a first training elsewhere. It needs to be a nationally recognised training to at least level 3 – for example a massage therapy or similar course, and you also need the anatomy, physiology and pathology qualification to that same level and to have built up some experience of working with people as a therapist.

Some previous healthcare experience but not sure if it is enough?

If you have a background in some form of healthcare but either not to a nationally recognised level of qualification, without the required level of anatomy, physiology and pathology or if you have not had a palpatory element to your work (eg if you are a yoga, pilates or fitness instructor) you may need or wish to complete a portion of the foundation training. We usually work this out on a case by case basis. See what is on offer and what you might benefit from if it has not been part of your previous training.

Training from Scratch (extended journey through core curriculum courses) & Foundation Certificate in Body Science (AP&P basics, with How to be a Therapist section)

I just want a few skills to help my family or friends…

Some people take the classes either for their own personal development or to use on family and friends in a non-clinical setting. If you are coming to the work without any other background and are not a practicing therapist we ask that you contact us first.

You may also be interested in attending an Introductory course first, either if you have no background or if you want to see if it is for you before you embark on a potentially longer training journey. These are run all round the country, by various of our experienced and qualified therapists. See what is involved in that on the Introductory Course page.

Help! None of the above scenarios relate to me…

Get in touch – we will do all we can to help!

How long will the training take?

How long is that piece of string?

We are often asked how long it will take to train in this work. There are a few answers to this question depending on your starting point. You can find out more about how to proceed if you have no background on the next page and more about the timing then but if you are already practicing and working as a healthcare practitioner of some kind and are looking to incorporate a few techniques into what you do then that can be just a few classes with a good dob of practice and perhaps study groups. However the true essence of Dr Upledger’s work is all around the SomatoEmotional Release process, while remaining very grounded and in touch with the tissue (the clients body) and getting to fully understand the depth of that takes, as in similar approaches years, decades. if ever?! I am partly jesting of course. We are always learning but to answer the question, to work thorugh the Core Curriculum typically takes 18 months to 3 years depending on your time, inspiration and set up.