0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

Up and walking if not running… TO BRIGHTON

So the site is live and some of you have started using it to try and book which is great… unfortunately over the weekend there were a few hiccups to the credit card payment option but we are trying very hard to resolve these so thank you for your patience….

We have just got back from a great couple of days in Brighton, meeting up with old and new faces at the CranioSacral Society AGM. The main item on the CSS agenda was whether or not the members would vote for the CSS to join the national registraion body offered by the GRCCT – General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies. I will post more about all that in another blog shortly, but in short, the members did vote to go ahead with this organisation. What this means is that anyone who is a qualified (Techniques or above) member of the CSS will be able to now be a member of this organisation and their qualifications verified on the GRCCT website if members of the public want to check. This in no way means we have to change what we do if we are not part of this, we can still incorporate CST into our other therapies, but it does give an option to have that natioanl standing and our qualification recognised by a national register.

There are many many hours, meetings, years and probably nearly tears at times that have gone into this whole process and I would like to really acknowledge and thank everyone who has been involved – you know who you are! If I did a list I would probably leave someone off in error which I don’t want to do, so I will find out before I unwittingly offend anyone. I will come back to this subject again…

We also used the time together to do a bit of cranial anatomy, find out about using CST in pregnancy and birth (thanks Paulette Walker and Carol Page!) and get a techniquees update from John. If only the weather had been on good behaviour too… Thanks to Maggie Gill for all her work and creative organisational nouce! And thanks to all of you who made the trip. A great weekend.