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The Talking Pig! by Caro O’Neill

Having just returned from Florida and the' Beyond the Dura' Upledger Institute International conference I feel inspired to write to tell you all a little bit about it. All the presenters were fabulous, inspiring and wonderful to listen to. It was great to hear about all the new work being done all over the world. 27 countries were represented there and it made me realise that we are so much part of a global growing awareness of the wonderful work we do.
Due to my interest in the research side of things i would also like to mention the various interesting projects going on all over the world.
Carol Mclellan talked of her work within hospitals where she was able to collect data for the development of the paeds curriculum.
Thuridur Arnadottir, from Iceland, valiantly presented in English on her study re CST and migraine.
Rebecca Ridge reported on the impact of CST for high needs children in Hong Kong and China.
Chas and Kat's work with dolphins is already familiar to many of you but it was wonderful to see these amazing creatures in action.
John Matthew opened by telling a joke about the two scientists going into a bar. One says to the other "there's a talking pig" the other says "no its not, there's only one"! If you don't get it then you've not been involved in research!
Dawn Langnes, Mariann Sisco and John Matthew talked of research to date and how important it is to continue to collact data inspite of the fact that we are as yet unable to go for the 'gold-standard' double-blind study. Since by collecting large numbers of well presented and published case histories we will eventually be able to attract the funding required to go for gold! This follows the Upledger principal of 5g plus resistance… If we all keep up the momentum and all are actively involved there will be a change! You will hear lots more about this at the symposium but for now "here's to the talking pig!" See you soon. Caro x