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The Study Group Leaders Get Together – Kiera Petersen

Having recently been persuaded to start a London study group, I was invited to an informal get-together they had arranged after the CranioSacral Society's AGM.

We had a lovely meeting in Long Ashton near Bristol. The day was kindly organised by Carol Wells, and was the first time something like this has been arranged (hopefully not
the last!). We started with Carol giving a presentation on learning challenges and suggesting innovative managing skills.

For the rest of the morning, general study group topics were discussed. This included the importance of study groups to give support to students in fine tuning their techniques
(personally I have found study groups invaluable in preparing for my techniques exam, and I still attend them post-exam because I learn so much).

We had lunch at a local farm restaurant (which had very fluffy baby ostriches running around) and then the eight of us worked in two multi-therapist groups on each other, which was fab.

So a big thank you to Carol Wells for arranging the venue and the day, thank you Caroline Barrow for your support of the study groups, and thank you to everyone who came, who made
it a special day. It was wonderful to hang out with people who have so much experience in CranioSacral Therapy.

Kiera Petersen