0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

The end of an Era…

The 2013 Cranio Sacral Society AGM has marked the end of an era.The society was started in 1999 when John Page and other practitioners, who were finding themselves drawn deeper into this CST work, felt that it would be benificial to the practitioners of their discipline to have a society that would represent their interests and needs, especially in the various issues around self regulation that were starting to appear back then.

The first meeting was held and the Society created with the opportunity for both network and qualified members. The organisation is a company limited by its members which basically means that it is there for and ostensibly controlled by its members. Over the last 14 years it has grown from a few founder members to well over 100 and over 35 of them are qualified members. The steps that have been taken to give CST a place within the self regulation framework is something we should be proud of (and – for most of us – relieved that this time consuming and often thankless task was done by others!!). At this juncture we have a Cranio Sacral Society that is there for its members, practitioners of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (you can be an associate member too!). It is in good standing financially and there are currently six memeber on the board. There were seven…

…But John Page stepped down as chairman. What an end to the Era. UIUK would like to join the CSS members who were present in thanking John for all the hard work, persistance and vision that has given us this opportunity for practitioners using this work to have this kind of professional back up. He has been a fount of much knowledge, wisdom and steering and will be missed (though still contacted if we have certain questions!). We do of course also wish him much joy in this next step into his retirement… (that is what he keeps saying he is aiming for!)

Of course he would not leave us without ensuring a safe and loving pair of hands to take over the reins. The considerate (and I mean this as one who considers – as well as is kind!), wise and envisioning Ann Whittle has been brave enough to step into the shoes (or at least took to the chair) to close the AGM. She has been welcomed by the board and members and we all look forward to our next steps in giving this work we love a professional association to support us…

The AGM was also the first since Dr Upledger had 'moved on'. Some of the afternoon was spent in sharing, gratitude and thanks for all he gave and shared with us.

As has become a tradition, we also had a few mini-workshops after the formal AGM part of the weekend. Maggie Gill shared some insights into the multiple hands work, had participants learning and experiencing more about the Significance Detector – so crucial in our work – and gave us lots to work with. John had a session on SIlent Dialogu e- or the importance of knowing when to shut up! And I (Caroline Barrow) offered a wee review of the basics of and a tuning into the immune system and what that might feel like before our November workshop on the subject.

As we all left, we resolved that while it was the end of an era and a phase of our development, there were many more things still to be done and fun to be had. For starters…  I am going to propose a party for next year! See you there? (If I get it past the CSS board and its members…!)

Caroline Barrow