The CranioSacral Society

The CranioSacral Society

The CranioSacral SocietyThe Cranio Sacral Society (CSS) is an organisation for practitioners of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy. It was set up to serve healthcare practitioners from a variety of backgrounds who have done postgraduate training with the Upledger Institute, and as the practitioner organisation for qualified members. Our Code of Ethics

CSS members may offer CranioSacral Therapy as the predominant aspect of their services or integrate it with their other modalities. The Society’s Code of Ethics and Practice holds the empowerment of the individual, and respect for the human body’s self-healing capacity, as supremely important.

Over the last few years, a lot of work has been done behind the scenes to set up voluntary self-regulation for CranioSacral Therapy, and it is felt that the skill set offer of the Upledger Institute’s training is sufficiently different from other schools to warrant separate regulation. We are now aligned with the General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies (GRCCT), and all our qualified members will this year be automatically registered on their website. We will keep members posted as this develops.

There are four kinds of membership, Qualified, Network, Student & Associate:

Qualified membership is available to practitioners who complete the training through to Advanced 1, pass the CranioSacral Therapy Techniques Certification and have a pre-existing entitlement to practise a healthcare modality. (Most body work and other healthcare or human process work qualifications are suitable – the best guide for practitioners working in the UK is eligibility for professional indemnity and malpractice insurance.)

Network membership is available after successful completion of the Upledger workshop CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CST1).

Student membership is for those signed up to our Training from Scratch programme.

Associate membership is for those not training but interested in CST in general and in support of the work of the CSS.

A qualified member is entitled to be known as a CranioSacral Therapist (CST), with the support of the Society and of the Upledger Institute, and to use the letters MCSS

Find out more about the CSS, how to join or find practitioner members on the Cranio Sacral Society website. []

The CranioSacral Society