Saturday 26 – Sunday 27 September 2020
Jury’s Waterfront, Brighton £350
Sadly we have had to postpone,
new date (2021) TBC
What is On Offer from this 2 Day R&R Symposium?
* Two days of clinical symposium, witnessing a senior therapist in action, cutting edge research, key elements helpful to our profession…
- A Saturday night drinks reception
- An update on research
- An update on the Upledger Institute internationally
- An update on Upledger Programmes and the chance to win some AMAZING prizes in the UP2020 Raffle!
Q&A sessions - Personal certificates for 12 CPD hours &
- Lots of opportunities for networking and catching up with colleagues old and new, including UIUK staff, teachers and study group leaders…
Check out the line up ….
While similar to previous years in aiming to deepen our understanding of Upledger CST and the essence of our approach, we have also branched out through our speakers, exploring themes that are allied and deeply related to our practice.

Meet Jean-Claude Gimberteau, surgeon and editor / author of Strolling Under the Skin and The Architecture of Human Fascia; he will show us some beautiful aspects of our fascial networks, unseen in the textbooks but relatable to our hands’ experiences.
Roxanna Carare, Southampton University, is one of the UK’s foremost brain fluid researchers – CSF, lymph – she will share science’s current understandings of our fluid flow.
You may already know Avadhan Larson, one of our seasoned instructors who will share more about how we work with trauma.
Thomas Rasmussen, who presented at our last event, will be back to update us on where the research into the craniosacral rhythm has got to.
Brock Chisolm, a clinical psychologist, will talk to us about PTSD and how we can understand some of the other approaches to working with trauma, and how we complement each other.
There will be time to chat, time to laugh, time to learn, and the sea to pop across to.
Saturday 26 September:
09.00 Registration & Mingling
09.30 Cerebrospinal Fuild – What Science has figured out so far
Professor Roxane Carare, Carare Research Group, Southamptom University
11.20 Research in to the Cranial Rhythm – Update since the last symposium
Thomas Rassmussen CST-D
14.00 What is PTSD
Brock Chisolm, Clinical Psychologist
15.35 How CST can help with Trauma
Avadhan Larson, CST-D
16.55 Upledger Programmes Update
17.15 Finish
18.00 Drinks Reception: venue TBC
Sunday 27 September:
09.00 Registration & Networking
09.30 The Magical Architecture of Fascia
Dr Jean-Claude Guimberteau, MD
With Break
14.00 Patient treatment with Avadhan Larson
15.45 ‘Clean Language’ in our Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue
Rob Williamson
16.45 Upledger Programmes Raffle and Closing Comments
17.15 Finish