Supporting your Study

The many ways available to help you along the path …

Study Groups​

You will be welcome to attend regular study group sessions organised throughout the UK, by some of our advanced and qualified practitioners. This means those who have trained to Advanced 1 (or higher) and completed their Techniques Certification (if not their Diplomate as well – see below for what this means). During these sessions, workshop material is reviewed and practised or treatments are exchanged. Please be aware that it is strictly Upledger CST techniques, as taught in the classes, that are explored. Occasionally, there is material covered, either as prearranged topics or from the questions that arise in a mixed-level group setting, that is from further down the curriculum than every participant may have done. If this is the case, study group leaders will typically suggest training-appropriate activities.

Find our study group leaders, a calendar of the upcoming groups and more info on our dedicated Study Groups page.

‘Your study groups are a fantastic resource for developing confidence and ability, and you may rest assured that I will continue to take full advantage of these wonderful opportunities for professional (and even personal) development! 

These workshops are extremly full of information, practical experience and treatment. It is not likely that anyone can hear and take on board fully all of the information available at any one time. Therefore, we warmly encourage you to repeat classes if you can. There is a charge of £295+VAT to repeat any of the CST1-SER2 classes, unless you are either signed up to the Core Pack Payment Plan or have applied for the exams, in which case the fee is only £195+VAT. If you have signed up for the Techniques exam or Core Pack, you can resit CST1 or 2 for this price; if you have signed up for the Diplomate exam you can resit SER1 or 2 for the same. We hope that helps!

ypically shortened to TA-ing, this refers to the opportunity to come along and assist at a workshop. You can apply to assist on CST1 after having done SER1, and on CST2 after having successfully assisted on two CST1s, and so on. These are great opportunities to review the material from previous courses as well as support students now training. We cannot always guarantee that requests to TA particular workshops will be fulfilled. Priority is generally given to those students who are going though the exam process.​

We also have a specific Mentoring Programme. While you can receive 1:1 mentoring from a qualified mentor as a stand-alone, you can also sign up for the programme that will offer both 1:1 mentorship and a way to get recognition for the personal and additional work you put in as a developing therapist. Find out all about it here…



Becoming a Study Group Leader

If you have a natural bent for explaining things, helping others, enjoy going through the process of seeing people get those ‘aha’ moments, then becoming a Study Group Leader could be for you. We would expect that you would be committed to the work and would have done a fair amount of TA-ing. You would need to have completed your Techniques exam, Advanced 1 and therefore be a qualified member of the Cranio Sacral Society. There are guidelines we support you with (you are not signing up to be at students’ beck and call morning, noon and night!) and you get discounts on some of the key special events we run. You can choose where and how often you run a group, and this will depend on your location and group size.

Becoming an Introductory Course Leader

Some practitioners are keen to offer their clients a bit more and maybe teach them to do some of the basics. In the US, they have workshops called ShareCare, and we in the UK also have workshops that act as a one or two-day introduction to the therapy. If you wish to become someone able to instruct these, we would love to help you get there. Again, you have to have completed your Techniques Certification and Advanced 1; you will also be asked to have assisted recently on a CST1, to assist a qualified Introductory Course Leader on a class and to attend a day and a half training on becoming a Introductory Course Leader. These have been developed by Maggie Gill and are full of experiential learning, are lots of fun and include many of her top tips and techniques for teaching,

For interested and committed individuals, the teaching track may be of interest. The Upledger Institute has developed a clear path by which this can be achieved that ensures competent transmission of the ethos and the work. This includes passing both exams, a fair amount of TA-ing and the ability to commit to weekends in different locations. Again, please speak to us if you feel this is something that you may be interested in.

and only for those who have done courses. It is for you to ask questions and share experiences of the work only! There are a number of our teachers and experienced practitioners who will respond to comments. There is a similar group for the alumni generally run by the US, called Upledger Alumni. Please come and find us. We also have the Upledger Institute UK page and there are ones for different countries too. If you ‘like’ the pages, it helps you keep in touch with what is going on.

If there is anything else you can think of that we could reasonably do, then please ask.

The other thing that we believe supports your study and the work out in the world is to take the exams. While thay have never been complulsory, as people have, in the past, worked under a different licence and simply added CST to their practice, we feel that it is beneficial to show you understand the work and its application, as we will tell you on our Exams and Qualifications page.