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SER 2 – Wow What a Weekend!! Lorna Kennard

I’ve just got back from Bristol after taking SER2, my brain is fried but I feel

We had the wonderful Stan Gerome teaching us and from 10mins into day 1
he had us all feeling like one supportive unit, barriers down and ready to tackle
our personal issues (and boy we had the lot between us!).

I came to the course having had some SER work done to start clearing my
own personal struggles, so I could focus on being good little student and learn
lots of new skills. Turns out I had it all wrong! A lot of this weekend is about
working through your own ‘stuff’ and learning through doing that process,
plus through helping each other. This is where it really starts to be about
clearing through your history/baggage so you can work at your best for others,
and it certainly helped do that for me. The course is also about understanding the
principles and theories that John Upledger has drawn from in developing
SER techniques, and if you are still struggling to take the plunge working
with SER after SER1, this course is a definite must for you. The dialogue
techniques you work with make the process and role of the therapist a lot
simpler and really help take your ‘ego’ out of the equation. It also expands on
the idea of communicating with a specific point in time, giving you tools to help
a person work through and complete a biological process that was left in an
unsatisfactory state, e.g. trauma during giving brith. This was one of the most
magical and special treatments I have ever had the privilage to witness and
its potential to help individuals move on from a traumatic time in their life is

Of the Upledger core cirriculum courses I have taken so far, I think this has had
the most profound and impacting effect on me. It really helped make me feel
more confident in working with SER, I made huge steps personally and also
know how I can continue to take responsibility for keeping my own processing
going. If you are in two minds as to whether you want to move on from CST2 or
SER1 then I hope this post may help confirm your decision to book on the
next available course. I for one am saving my pennies to get on Advanced 1
and keep the learning/clearing going!

Lorna Kennard