0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy





Many of our books are now available as digital eBooks from the Upledger International website. When you click on the links below, you will be directed to the product page on the US site to make your purchase. Scroll down for list of titles.


Secure PDFs that offer content identical to the print version. You’ll be able to:

  • Highlight
  • Take notes
  • Add bookmarks (IOS and Android Devices at this time)
  • Search
  • Navigate instantly with one click

Do these PDFs require a special reader?
Yes. Our eBooks require the free Javelin Reader. Javelin Reader has robust highlighting and note-taking features. It also offers bookmarking (IOS and Android devices currently) and search functions, in addition to clickable shortcuts that allow lightning-fast access to all the content in the print edition. Javelin is a free download. Our ebooks are not compatible with Adobe Reader.

Are your eBooks readable on all devices?
With a few minor exceptions, yes! Our Javelin eBooks are compatible with Windows and Mac OSX, and on phones and tablets that run iOS or Android. They can also be read on Kindle Fire tablets in most cases, but not Kindle Reader. See a full list of compatible devices.

How do I receive my eBook?
You will receive an email with instructions and “Product Activation Code” that enables the eBook.

How does the Product Activation Code work?
As a security measure, Javelin Reader asks for a 9 digit activation code the first time you open your eBook on your devices. Your activation code enables you to download the eBook to your computer and one of your mobile devices. Please keep your activation code safe.

Once you have opened your eBook with the activation code on your computer and your mobile device, you do not need the code again. 

Important: Your eBook is non-returnable and non-refundable once you have used your activation code. Your eBook is also non-returnable and non-refundable 7 day after the activation code email has been sent to you, even if the code has not be activated.


CranioSacral Therapy (brown book) John E. Upledger $75 



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