0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

CST1 & 2 Review


SKU: CSTREV Category:


Future date TBC

CST1 & 2 Review – this course will review your 10 steps from the CST1 protocol and include the additional material in the CST2 class, over 2 1/2 days.  On the third afternoon we will have a clinic day and work on ‘real clients!’

Primarily, we will aim to address what you want to know. We will go over the details of the techniques and make sure you understand why we are doing each one, the core intent and the correct hand placements. We will review Sutherland’s sphenoid lesions and the techniques of the hard palate.

Our focus will then be to explore what we are actually feeling when we are doing the work, how we can extend our field of awareness and palpation, how we can listen more acutely to a client’s tissues, meld more deeply and blend with neutrality.  We will play with our palpation skills and how we connect to a client’s body and hear their inner wisdom. This will take us gently into a reveiw of the full body evaluation techniques which you learned in CST2, and we will practise using our intention to switch easily and effortlessly between the different ‘wavelengths’ of information it is possible to pick up.

The third day will be partly a clinic day, where we will put our explorations and insights into practise on folk willing to offer their bodies!


This course will be taught by Caroline Barrow, who used to run Study Groups for a while, in her London days, before landing in Somerset and taking on the running of the Institute. She utilises her passion for anatomical understanding to help you understand the techniques, but with a focus on the practical application and palpartory awareness that will help you get out there and use the work even more.

This course is run through The College of Body Science, so to pay please make a bank transfer to:

Account: The College of Body Science Ltd
Sort code: 09-06-66
Account Number: 41583675

Or call us to pay by card. 0800 690 6966

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