CranioSacral Therapy 1
CranioSacral Therapy 1 presents the groundwork for learning how to palpate and work with the craniosacral system. A key component of this is learning to feel the craniosacral rhythm and using it both in assessing the whole body and applying the techniques effectively. In CST1, this process begins by practical comparisons of various other body rhythms and learning and feeling what we mean by flexion and extension of the craniosacral system.
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As a safe and effective start to using this work, Dr Upledger and colleagues developed what we call the 10-step protocol. This is a set of techniques which treat key areas of the body, enabling you to work with and understand the delicate palpatory skills needed, at the same time as getting effective results for your clients.
The 10-step technique address bones, fascia and fluid, and include: methods of treating the transverse diaphragms: pelvic, respiratory, thoracic inlet, hyoid and occipitocranial base; the frontal & parietal lifts; sphenoid compression-decompression; temporal mobilisation, ear pull (or bilateral temporal decompression); dural tube evaluation, traction, treatment and TMJ technique… Sound fun?!
Relevant anatomy and theoretical concepts are explained so that the left brain is satisfied, while the focus on experiential exploration and practice definitely serves the right brain.
- Feel the craniosacral rhythm and use it as an assessment tool
- Appreciate the anatomical intricacies of aspects of the skull, cranial sutures and the vertical and horizontal cranial membrane systems
- Why working with the dural tube has such positive effect on the rest of the body
- Understand fascia as a whole body system, the visco-elastic characteristics of tissue and how we can use it to pinpoint the source of physical problems
- What a still point is and how and why to induce one (including CV4)
- How and when to use ‘direction of energy’ techniques
Come away with the 10-step treatment protocol you can integrate into your practice immediately or use on family and friends.
See our ‘Where to Begin’ page for entry requirements. Also reading Your Inner Physician and You and chapters 1- 6 of CranioSacral Therapy by Dr Upledger.