My response to the Immune Response Class by Caroline Barrow

What an interesting 4 days… What a wonderful additional set of ways to use this therapeutic approach.
I dont think I was too sure what to expect from this class – I certainly thought I would consolidate my understanding of the immune system and that I would be able to use this more precisely in treatments. What I was amazed by (and I confess a little resistant to at first!) was the idea that you can tune into the craniosacral rhythm of the immune system itself. Also you can tune into different tissues and then into the Immune system within that tissue….. Why is that useful? Well there are many tissues in which you should not be able to feel immune activity, if all is as it should be. Immune cells circulate in the blood and lymph systems but are not active in other tissues unless there is a problem. So if you tune into an area, lets say the lungs / pleura and you can pick up the CSR of the immune system, then you have an idea that there may be something to be resolved. We can then use SER techniques and the familiar approaches to listen and follow the tissue…
Hank Meldrum taught the class and it was certainly interesting to watch his style of dialoguing in the demos: as we learned from the symposium last year there are many different approaches, and Hank's, while direct, was certainly supportive and holding of all the pieces that were going on at once in dialogue with the cells of the immune system, the tissues, the energy of the session and even in the room.
We of course got to put into practice the pieces we were learning about and spent time with each of the cell types, feeling them, and following through dialogue and tissue the issues as the body presented. One of my favorites was while working with a colleague we were drawn to the gut and to some over active cell types there. She experiences some lactose intolerance and cannot take millk even a few drops in coffee for example. As we dialogued with these cells they she had the image of them holding up placards saying 'no milk' – it turned out that her family own a dairy farm and she was finding the work she was doing for it too stressful but had been unable to pull away – so her body was trying to make the point! Beautiful!
For a good few of us in the treatments we shared, we found we were drawn to areas we had looked at before in different sessions but not via this immune system piece. So it provided another way to clear the processes that the body was holding on to. Sometimes this was even things that occured in embryo. Again we are reminded of Dr Johns assertion that if you don't limit what you think can happen all sorts of things can be possible!
We would like to also thank Tim Hutton for his development of this course which has given us a beautiful way of working ever deeper with our clients and ourselves. The new immune courses that are being developed we will bring over in the next few years!