Intro Courses
Introducing the craniosacral system and some ways to treasure it…
Our Intro Courses are usually two days, organised and taught by our advanced, experienced and qualified practitioners, who have done some extra pieces of training to enable them to run these classes. Often, they put them on for clients who have become interested in what they are doing; for interested folk with no previous training who may want to help members of their family or friends with a few techniques; and, frequently, qualified healthcare practitioners also come along to find out more before signing up to a CST1 and further training.
You can find out about any Intro Courses we know of on the Calendars page, or you can find out if anyone near you is qualified to lead one on our Therapists page. We can also arrange for someone to come to your area if you can get a minimum of 6 – 10 people together! Call the office if that grabs you, and we can partner you up with someone as local as possible. If you don’t see any Intro Courses listed, it’s also worth dropping us a line as we may have had similar requests and be able to start the ball rolling somewhere!
The flow of the days & the things you will learn
This course contains an outline of Dr John’s approach, philosophy and intentions for this work. We will give you a bit of the history about him and the other people who developed the field before him. We will talk a little bit about some of the techniques presented in CST1, including releasing the transverse fascial diaphragms, feeling the craniosacral rhythm and initiating what we call a stillpoint in this rhythm – amazing for relaxing the body and rebooting the flow of fluid around the brain and spinal cord. We show you the ‘direction of energy’ technique and, most importantly, introduce you to the most vital and profound aspect of the approach: listening to the client’s body and following what the body tissues want to do, with no ‘fixing’ agenda…
Most Intro Courses are run over two days to give you ample time to practice the techniqes and really understand the essence; if all the students are experienced therapists, we can also run it as one (longer) day.
The cost is typically £150 – 200 for the two days, depending on the location / venue.