0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

Great news on the research front…

Research. Great news. Given the scarcity of clinical research on CranioSacral Therapy available in the public arena it is great that our Outcome study has been accepted for publication.

In July 2007 UK Upledger practitioners were sent an invitation to contribute patients to the study. Ten therapists expressed an interest and each enrolled up to ten consecutive new patients presenting for CST. Patients were asked to complete one questionnaire at the start of treatment and another at discharge. The results of this are very positive. They were presented at our AGM in 2008 but it has been rather a long slog to get the study written up and ready for publication. After a few setbacks it has been accepted by Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine so watch this space. And wish me luck with my technical corrections!  Never been my strong point…

Rachel Harrison
