Further Courses

As Dr Upledger developed the work and treated many, many people presenting with a vast array of different ‘issues’ (for want of a better word), he recognised that the process of CST was developing in some particular directions.

Consolidating some of these into additional courses has brought us workshops such as The Brain Speaks, CST and the Immune Response, a range of Clinical Application classes, and CST for Paediatrics. Over the last few years, the latter has been developed into CST for Paeds 1 & 2 with a new obstetric workshop – called CST for Conception, Pregnancy and Birthing. Another course, that used to be known as Therapeutic Imagery & Dialoguing (now SER & Mastering the Inner Physician or SERTIP), has been developed by Stan Gerome to support and enhance the SER work.

They are mostly four days and cost £610 + VAT (except Sensory Integration, Clinical Apps and some other classes – see Enrol pages for full info).

For a full list of all the other courses, please take a look at the international Upledger Institute website and here for the CST curriculum flowchart.

If there is a course you would particularly like to see scheduled, or a request for a particular location (where you wouldn’t be the only person likely to attend!) then please let us know.

Peadiatric Curriculum

CST for Paediatrics 1 or CSP1

CranioSacral Therapy for Paediatrics 1 addresses the special application of CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release®  and Energy Cyst release on newborns, infants and children. The course will take you on a playful journey through the differences in anatomy between babies, children and adult craniosacral systems and how, as a result, we adapt techniques appropriately.

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You will learn how to engage and connect with children who are not neurotypical, and begin to get an understanding of the neurology behind unusual behaviours, neurological development and reflexes. You will practice feeling the CS rhythm and working on a moving target!

After gaining a better understanding of the birth process, there will be an opportunity for you to complete your biological process around your own birth, invaluable for learning how to hold a space for someone who has yet to resolve their own birth issues.

The development of a grounded therapeutic presence runs through the whole of this course, as it is even more important when working with babies, children and their families than when working with an adult. A child grows in a family, so family dynamics are addressed, as well as how, as a therapist, you can work with this and recognise what is happening.

There will be ample opportunity for supervised practice sessions with babies, children and their families on the third and fourth day of the course. By the end of the four days, you will have gained a good understanding of paediatric work, and confidence in working with children.

What you will learn on this course:

  • Learn how early therapy on newborns and infants can possibly reduce the percentage of central nervous system problems
  • Explore the developmental landmarks that occur month by month during and after gestation
  • Practise working with infants and children in a supervised environment
  • Discover a 10-step protocol you can perform to help evaluate a newborn
  • Discuss ways to apply CST to children with learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, seizures or other health challenges
  • Explore special topics, such as understanding the birth process and treating the pregnant mother and foetus along with the new mother and newborn, and working in a conventional obstetrical setting

CST for Paediatrics 2 or CSP2

This workshop expands upon the special issues that surround the applications of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release® as they pertain to newborns, infants and children. This course will deepen and explore the knowledge and experience of CSP1, as well as adding several brand new techniques for use with babies and children. These techniques have only recently been developed and are very effective with little ones.

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Family dynamics are explored in more depth, looking specifically at the energy dynamics between family members.

Development in utero is explored prior to you having an invaluable opportunity to address any developmental issues of your own through the completion of developmental process sessions.

The anatomy of the cranial nerves, so fundamental to our work with children with learning and sensory issues, is explored in both a didactic and experiential way to make it come alive in your hands.

As with CSP1, there will be plenty of opportunity to work in supervised sessions with babies, children and families.

The highlights:

  • Explore in more depth and detail the topics introduced in the first level CSP class
  • Learn how treating the entire family and its dynamics powerfully impacts the healing process and health of the child
  • Practise working with infants and children in a supervised environment
  • Understand and apply important knowledge of specific brain anatomy/physiology to fine-tune CST treatments
  • Apply an understanding of the gestational process to facilitate cellular change within the infant/child who has experienced difficulty in their embryological, foetal development
  • Gain more insight into the aetiology of some childhood ailments and disorders
  • Increase creative dialoguing and imagery skills in the application of SER to paediatrics by focusing on ‘cell talk’
  • Learn the application of five new treatment techniques for infants and children


CSP1 and plenty of paediatric practise, and you should have already read A Brain is Born by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM.

CST for Conception, Pregnancy & Birthing or CCPB

By learning how to incorporate CranioSacral Therapy into the birth process in this powerful workshop, you’ll not only help very deserving mums, you’ll give babies the best possible opportunity to begin their lives free of restriction, and prepare them to grow into well-adjusted children and adults.

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The highlights:

  • Explore new ways to apply CST through all three trimesters and beyond
  • Find out how to palpate two craniosacral rhythms: that of the mother and of the child
  • Practise specific techniques to create the best possible gestation, labour and delivery
  • Gain a thorough understanding of anatomy and palpation on many different levels
  • Learn two protocols, one for mums and another for newborns.


SomatoEmotional Release 1 and required reading: A Brain Is Born by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM.

Sensory Integration for CranioSacral Therapists (SICS)

Course length: 2 days
Sensory Integration is the critical brain function responsible for producing a composite picture and organising sensory information for our ongoing use. When the brain is unable to correctly process information coming in through the senses, the problem may be Sensory Integration Dysfunction, also known as Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). In this exciting workshop, you’ll discover how to work with SPD from the CST perspective, to help children reach their health and performance goals more effectively.

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The highlights:
  • Hone your understanding of sensory processing and how it integrates in the central nervous system and related neuroanatomy
  • Learn to identify Sensory Processing Disorders more effectively
  • Find out how to adapt a CST session to meet the specific needs of those with SPD
  • Discover tools that can help youngsters with SPD stay calm and relaxed during therapy
  • Practise specific methods of blending CST with Sensory Integration to meet functional goals.

More ‘Specialist’ Training

The Brain Speaks 1 (TBS1)

The Brain Speaks explores the potential for communicating with a person’s brain – namely its subdivisions, structural components and individual neurons. It’s a candid and in-depth exploration into the possibilities that may be achieved by tapping into the collective consciousness of an organ or tissue using imagery and dialogue. While the class includes lecture, demonstration and hands-on practise, an integral component is the sharing of experiences among participants as they practise and assimilate their encounters while communicating with another person’s brain.

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The highlights:

  • Receive detailed instruction in neuroanatomy, physiology, and the biochemical processes of neurological function
  • Be guided into imagery and dialogue with specific brain and spinal cord parts and their dysfunctional units
  • Attempt, upon dialogue initiation, to obtain information from those central nervous system parts and functional units that relate to the individual’s present health and vitality, stresses, past injuries or physiological conditions that may be suboptimal.


Successful completion of SomatoEmotional Release® 1 or Clinical Application of SomatoEmotional Release® and reading A Brain Is Born by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM.

This is one of the advanced courses that we run periodically. Please let us know if you are interested.

The Brain Speaks 2 (TBS2)

TBS2 builds upon the skills of TBS1. Whereas TBS1 is a brain overview course, TBS2 builds on the skills introduced and developed in TBS1 and uses them to explore and work with specific dysfunctions and patterns encountered frequently in clinical practice.

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The highlights:

  • Learn to work more effectively with traumatic brain injuries and concussive injuries
  • Learn more specific techniques for treating seizure disorders
  • Use information from the latest research, understand the autistic brain, and how to work with it
  • Learn about cutting-edge research and information regarding emotional trauma, PTSD and persistent stress, and how they affect the anatomy and physiology of the brain, as well as how to address these problems with CST
  • Learn about the conditions for healthy brain development in early childhood and what happens when these conditions are not met; as well as how to address these deficits using CST and Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue
  • Learn about the polyvagal aspect of the autonomic nervous system and how this newly discovered autonomic function can help heal the brain from stress and trauma
  • Learn to treat Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia, with greater success.


TBS1. Recommended: SomatoEmotional Release 2 (SER2) or SomatoEmotional Release Technique: Mastering the Inner Physician (SERTIP).

CST and the Immune Response 1

The goal for this class is to teach you how to help the immune system perform its magic better. To accomplish that, you’ll learn how to communicate with different cell types to find out how you can help them improve their performance — especially when invading microorganisms gain a foothold.

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You’ll study and ‘communicate’ with the many glands and organs involved in the immune system: the liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and others. And you’ll explore the production of the various molecules of communication, including cytokines, cytoxins and other protein molecules.

The highlights:

  • Learn to use the craniosacral rhythm to evaluate activites of the different areas of the immune system (this is amazing!)
  • Study the various glands, organs and cells involved in the innate and adaptive immune system
  • Explore the production of various molecules of communication
  • Learn ways to communicate with different cell types to help improve their performance.


SomatoEmotional Release® 1 & reading Cell Talk by J E Upledger.

Furture dates TBC. However, let us know if you are interested and we will keep you posted.

CST and the Immune Response: Inflammation & Heart Disease  (CSTIRIH)

This course will build on the information and techniques covered in the CranioSacral Therapy and Immune Response training, and will cover the physiology and pathology of chronic inflammation and heart disease, and the related issues of diabetes, obesity and stroke.

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The course will address craniosacral palpation of these pathologies, as well as strategies for treatment using our process-oriented CST approach.  That is, rather than learning how to ‘fix’ such conditions, you will gain insight into how to support the body’s own self-corrective mechanisms so that the body itself can heal in those situations.

In addition, participants will expand the boundaries of, and greatly deepen, the subtlety and specificity of their craniosacral palpation skills.



SER Techniques and Mastering the Inner Physician (SERTIP)

Developed by Stan Gerome, LMT, this workshop offers a dynamic adjunct to the work of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and is designed to help you access the client’s Inner Physician by using the cranial rhythm, the soft touch of CST and interweaving the concepts of Jung, Perls and Assagioli. With this method you are guided by imagery as it is presented by the client rather than serve as the guide to imagery.

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The highlights:
  • Explore techniques to bring your nonconscious into a more material existence
  • Practise drawing your nonconscious images and dialoguing with them face-to-face
  • Learn how to use sounding vowels and other internal vibrations, along with a 10-step protocol designed to enhance imagery and dialogue
  • Discuss in greater detail Dr. Upledger’s ideas on imagery and dialogue and the psychosynthesis map
  • Practise using the significance detector



Clinical Applications Classes

Clinical Applications for CST (CACS) Clinical Applications for SER (CASR)
Clinical Applications of Advanced CST (CAAD)
Clinical Applications for Paediatrics (CACP)
Clinical Applications of Advanced CST for Paediatrics (CAACP)  (and a few others)

These specialist classes are limited to a maximum of six participants and are held in a clinical setting.  They are typically five days long.

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Clinical Applications programs were developed for therapists to refine their CST abilities through observation, interaction and participation in supervised treatment sessions in all roles, including being on the table. The class offers an open format with the time necessary to fully answer participant’s questions and provide focused and individual instruction.


The emphasis is on review, discussion and practices, and working on your own process. Doing our own inner work is a central tenet of the Upledger work, and these courses will give you the chance to continue that.  As a participant, you’re invited to:

  • Hone your expertise in blending with clients, learning to understand and read their body needs better
  • Fine-tune your palpatory capabilities
  • Delve deeper into body/mind integration
  • Practise each role involved in multiple-hands sessions – including that of the lead therapist
  • Gain insights into using your time and energy most efficiently
  • Ask specific questions, and review the material of your choice
  • Participate in in-depth group discussions with your colleagues
  • Build confidence and skills in preparation for certification in CranioSacral Therapy.
These classes can be conducted with the focus of CST techniques, which covers the material in CST1 and CST2; a different class, based around SER work will review the SER process, locating and releasing energy cysts, covers more about integrating therapeutic imagery and dialogue and delves deeper into vector integration and alignment, meridians and chakras.
The SER- and Peadiatric-focused classes will also explore the characteristics and qualities needed in a therapist to support clients through deep process work, and children and their families within the latter. They will help you become aware of ways in which you can develop and maintain these qualities in yourself.
The Paediatric Clinical Applications class will also let you explore any baby or child issues you may have, fine-tune your palpatory skills around the active and mobile nature of many paediatric patients (!), review the SER process as it is applicable to children, including non-verbal dialoguing and use of imagery.
The above three classes are running this year in the UK for the first time! See the shop page for dates and how the classes work.
There are some additional courses available, including Clinical Applications for CST for conception pregnancy and birthing, CST for trauma and PTSD and a few others currently in the pipeline.

CST 1 & 2 Review and Clinic Day

We will also be scheduling a three-day CST 1 & 2 Review with a focus on clinical application. This is offered to anyone who has previously completed at least these two full courses.

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This will be especially suitable for anyone who has done both courses a number of years ago and wants to pick up again on some of the finer details, as well as find out a bit more about how the techniques are useful in various clinical settings.

This class (and the one below) is offered more as a longer study group, which is reflected in the price, as we would like to make it available for as many people as possible.

SER Review and Clinic Day

This will review the essence of the SER work and how to gain confidence in using it. We will review the basic tools that are presented in the SER workshops and some of the ideas of the psychotherapeutic approaches that can be useful in assisting our clients’ imagery processes. The third day will incorporate a clinic day