0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

First UIUK Blog!

As we write this we are just preparing for the site to go live…!

It is very exciting to finally be getting the site out to everyone with new dates for next year's courses, the core information back online, a bit of background info about UI, Dr John and CST, and a message to come from John Matthew Upledger about UII today. As time goes on we will upload previous articles, keep you posted with news and give you the chance to say what you want and need from UIUK.

As a few people have commented, a website like this is a bit of a work in progress but ultimitely it is for you, so feedback is welcome!

To add to the blog we will also be bugging (technical term!) the other teachers, study group leaders and experienced practitioners to post their thoughts, understanding and experience of the work, as well as encouraging students from different backgrounds to share their experience of the courses and ealry practices. So check back from time to time to see what gems we've managed to persuade them all to part with!

Best wishes for now,

Caroline & Alasdair