My journey into complementary therapies began with Reiki in the late 90’s.
Having gained my Master Degree in 1999, I felt there was something missing.
I had begun teaching Yoga in 1998, and it was on a Yoga Teacher Training course that I first discovered Upledger CranioSacral Therapy. I attended the ‘Introduction to CST’ weekend with Maggie Gill in Brighton in 2004 and knew I needed to know much more! So, I enthusiastically attended CST 1&2 in 2006, and both SomatoEmotional Release (SER) classes in 2008, while studying for my Teaching Degree. I added Reflexology to my repertoire, before attending Ken Koles’ ‘CST Unwinding Meridians’ course in 2010.
I moved from Brighton in 2011 and had my daughter in 2012, who slept for 12 hours at night, much to the envy of the other NCT Mums. I told them how CST could help their babies too….
Having moved to north Devon in 2013, I kick started my Upledger learning with Stan Gerome’s SERTIP class, which goes much deeper into dialoguing with the Clients ‘Inner Wisdom’, in 2015. I decided to ‘get qualified’ and re-took CST 1&2 in 2016, followed by SER 1&2 in 2017. I studied the first Paediatric course in 2018, and completed the Advanced 1 phase of my Certification that year too. In 2019 I took The Brain Speaks class with Avadhan Larson, which was both fun & fascinating. I went home and wrote my essays! I re-took Stan’s SERTIP class, which was fantastic the second time around. And I passed my Practical exam and gained my CST Certification.
This year I am looking forward to Tad Wanveer’s ‘Touching the Brain’ classes. I find the workings of the human body absolutely amazing and we are constantly learning. I love the exploratory nature of Upledger CST and by listening to our Clients’ ‘Inner Wisdom’, we work alongside them, at their pace, with profound effect.
I currently practice in Barnstaple and Ilfracombe, with Exeter on the horizon. I teach a cross-over of Scaravelli-inspired Yoga and Craniosacral release classes. I love this approach and the way we, as therapists, must ‘walk the talk’, by doing our own inner work.
It’s a rollercoaster of a ride, come and jump on board!