Exams & Qualifications

As Upledger courses are postgraduate, and those taking them are already qualified in other disciplines, there is not a requirement to get qualified to use the techniques in your practice. However, there is a huge amount more to CranioSacral Therapy as developed by Dr John, than is found in the CST1 and 2 courses, but without this basis in clear and efficient technique, we cannot develop the finesse required for really skilled practice in the SER techniques and at the higher levels.

Two opportunities to showcase your skills and understanding

Assessment and qualification is available in two stages, each costing £300. You can apply for both at the same time and be working on them simultaneously.

Techniques Certification

The Techniques Certification is given after examination on the information presented in CST1 and CST2. This exam consists of 12 written essays, which are completed in your own time. Once marked and successfully passed, you are invited to arrange a practical assessment with one of the Institute’s examiners. In this session you complete a 10-step protocol, during which you are expected to demonstrate:

  • That you are able to connect, meld and listen with your hands and have an understanding of the tissue response
  • That you know and understand the correct hand positions for each technique, and what the core intent and purpose of each is
  • That you are able to accurately and fluently describe both the core intent and what you are feeling as you treat.

There is also a 40-question multiple choice test during the practical exam. Successful completion of these three sections will gain you Techniques Certified status and permit you to use the letters ‘CST’ after your name.

Calling yourself qualified in the UK

Having successfully completed the Techniques Certification and the 5 classes up to the Advanced CST 1 level course, and if you are a member of the Cranio Sacral Society, you are then able to call yourself an Upledger trained CranioSacral Therapist and advertise as such.

You will be listed on both the UIUK and CSS website as a qualified practitioner, and are also then able to be listed on the GRCCT’s (General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies) national register.

However, if you love this work and want to get even better at it and even more recognised for your skills, why stop there?

Diplomate Certification

The second exam is the Diplomate Certification, which tests your understanding and practical application of the SER approach. This really is the unique piece of Dr Upledger’s work, so we are very keen to support people through this process as it really benefits the work in this country. The prerequisite is Advanced 1. It requires written essays as well as a practical exam, just like the Techniques, but is assessing fluency and competence in the imagery and dialogue techniques of the SER approach, as well as your use of meridians, chakras and vectors as learned in SER1.

In addition, you are requested to:

  • Complete a preceptorship programme; this is a US term referring to your attendance in clinic with an experienced practitioner (approx 30 hours) or, in the UK, this may be completed by being a Teaching Assistant at an Advanced level course or by participating in a Comprehensive Therapy Programme)
  • Provide five case histories and
  • Either deliver a six-hour CST presentation to an organised group or have an article on CST published by a third-party organisation.

The work and practice required to pass these exams is very thorough, and we fully support and encourage anyone willing to go the distance. As we said, these steps are not obligatory for most as the Upledger courses are postgraduate, therefore most people practice under the guidelines and insurance of their core therapies. However, we are finding more and more that people wish to gain the depth of knowledge and experience necessary, as well as the confidence, that comes from going through the exam process. Please contact the office if you wish to apply or find out any more.