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Devon and Cornwall Study Group Meeting: October 1 2010

The Devon and Cornwall study group has been up and running now since April 2009.
We originally began the study group in Cornwall and would meet every couple of
months in Redruth. John (Page) then ran a couple of CST 1 courses down our way
in Plymouth and Exeter which increased the numbers of people looking for a study
group a little further up the county. We (Joe Gore and Caro O’Neill) then decided to
amalgamate Devon and Cornwall due to the disparity of its numbers and move the
group to Launceston, right on the Cornwall/Devon border and just off the A30. This
enabled people from both counties to travel similar distances. We all agreed that it
would be better for members to hold fewer groups but for a whole day rather than a
couple of hours. If people were going to travel a long distance they wanted to get
the most out of it. So now, we meet every three months on a Friday, from 9.45am to
4pm. The dates are arranged well in advance so that people can plan ahead and get
them in their diaries.

Our last meeting was on Friday 1st October. We began with a quick review and
update. Some members had just completed CST 2 in Coventry and so we decided
it would be a good idea to review those techniques. People often shy away from
practising mouth work once away from the safety of the classroom and the study
groups are a good way of getting some of that practise in. Another area that can often
use some practise is working with the significance detector, arcing and dialogue skills.
I believe that good dialogue/palpation skills are only improved by practise. It’s a bit
like learning to play the piano – your hands are doing one thing while your head is
following another line of thought and the two have to synchronise. How long does it
take to learn the piano and how much practise??
We always throw a bit of anatomy revision in there as well. This week we brushed
up on the cranial nerves, sutures, cranial bones etc. Try drawing a lateral view of the
skull from memory without cheating!
If you would like to join us any time please drop me a line – carooneill@btconnect.com Keep an eye on the
calendar for our next meeting dates and topic ideas.
