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CST & Scoliosis – a personal experience

Thank you Ann for sending this post with this great story…

‘I attended the CST 1 workshop in Bristol last October and would like to thank the Upledger Institute (John Page in particular) for the excellent tuition I received and the motivation I was given to further improve my understanding of this fantastic therapy.
My son had scoliosis (curvature of the spine) which was becoming life-threatening. Last autumn he was told that the curvature had accelarated to such a degree that unless he had surgery he would more than likely be paralysed within a year. He was anxious to try anything and so after completing the CST 1 I worked with him 3 or 4 times a week. He had a 7- hour operation on June 10th with a prognosis that the curve could be improved by 40%. The day after the operation he was out of bed and able to stand. The surgeons told us that he has "exceeded all expectations", his back is now straight and he’s gained two inches in height! He came home after four days and recovery is progressing fast without the need for anti-rejection drugs. I’m convinced that the CST played a major part in his recovery and it has given me back a son who is now more confident and self-assured than he ever was.
Thank you so much, and I’m looking forward to CST 2 and, hopefully, beyond.’

Ann Canning