
What exactly IS a Symposium?

  Once every 4 years, we come together to celebrate everything that makes Upledger CranioSacral Therapy so special. We call it a Symposium, and it’s an event that brings together inspirational speakers, demonstrations & practical…

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Your CranioSacral Christmas Wishlist!

If you’re wondering about stocking fillers for friends and family, or need some inspiration for what to put on YOUR Christmas list, look no further! We’ve put together some suggestions for you. In no particular order,…

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On CST for Chronic Depletion by Fiona Gilbraith

Eric Moya developed the CST for Chronic Depletion workshop using his extensive in-depth knowledge of Systems Theory. At first I was unsure how this was compatible with myunderstanding of Upledger CST. But having done the…

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My Top 10 Books of the Moment

Just in case you want some inspiration for things to read over what's left of the summer (or whenever you happen to read this) here are some ideas - relevant to CST but beyond our…

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A Quote from Dr Upledger

"The secret something that is shared by all effective healing methods is  the process of leading the patient to an honest and truthful self-discovery...

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