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Biting back?


After our first CST2 in Coventry last weekend I was reminded of the importance of teeth. We learn to treat the teeth in CST2 and we also covered it in a Visceral manipulation class I took in New York a few years back. I thought I would repost a blog I wrote back then and add an experience I had a while back too. The latter first…

A client came on recommendation with headaches 4 times a week for the last 2 years. I asked the obvious questions about accidents, injuries etc. prior to the headaches starting but she said nothing had happened. During the treatment I had a strong pull to the mouth and asked if it would be OK to work there. Oh yes she said, I did have a root canal treatment that went a bit wrong and needed alot of dentistry…. When was that? Ohhh about 2 years ago... Was it this tooth? I asked as I got in there? Yes! How did you know? Because it was screaming at me I wanted to say…. Anyway, said tooth responded to the treatment beautifully and to this day (I saw her a month ago) she has not had another headache.

The other interesting connection made on the Visceral Manipulation course was to backache. Long term lower back ache. Pain that just won't shift, or won't hold if if it does release. We learned that sometimes this can be affected by a tooth. Well not just the tooth on its own but the joint between the tooth and the gum, or alveolar joint. In these cases It would be a tooth in the maxilla rather than the mandible of course (well not really 'of course' as who knows – we should never say never!) but most likely. Which tooth?  'Listen' to find out which one draws you to it. When you find it, a gentle compression in towards the maxilla will wake it up a little and then as you back off let it show you how it wants to release – then you can just 'follow that listening' again.

As strange as it may sound it's perhaps not so far off… the alveolar joints are in the maxilla which articulates with the sphenoid, which articulates with the occiput, which attaches the dural tube. Since the dural tube attaches at C2 and then S2, it is not inconceivable to see how much in the face or cranium could have the potential to affect the lower back. Take the multiple articulations ligaments, muscle attachments down there, add in an accident or injury or two, create a weaker spot, remove some of the ability to compensate and bingo! A far off fascial twist can be just enough to hold things out of place.

One of our colleagues on the course had had back ache for some 20 years. She had this piece of work done for her by the instructor on the first day and by the last day reported that she had had three nights and mornings pain free, which she had not had for 20 years. She had been a little reluctant to say this, thinking it might be temporary and we shall see… but even a few nights pain free after all that time is a nice break.

So if you can include mouthwork in your treatments, don't forget the teeth, and if you have a client whose back pain just won't shift, try out the connection from back to teeth and see what you find!