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Author Archives for superadmin

The Inner Physician and my Ego : a comment on my development as a therapist by Melanie Joseph

Published by Leave your thoughts

I am currently working in end of life care at a hospice in east London and it is the most rewarding experience and also a great place to work through the therapist “ego”. When I got there I started with the ideas mentioned in “the inner physician and You” were I was going to have all these wonderful conversations with cancers and tumours and internal wisdoms of the body etc…

SER 2 – Wow What a Weekend!! Lorna Kennard

Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve just got back from Bristol after taking SER2, my brain is fried but I feel
We had the wonderful Stan Gerome teaching us and from 10mins into day 1
he had us all feeling like one supportive unit, barriers down and ready to tackle
our personal issues (and boy we had the lot between us!)...

Research Piece: The use of Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) in a physically impaired population in a disability service in Southern Ireland from Maggie Gliksten

Published by Leave your thoughts

This is the summary of a piece of reseach carried out a few years ago by Maggie Gliksten and Vicki McManus relating to using CST in a population of disabled children. Maggie has been working in the disability sector in Ireland for the past 15 years, 10 of which has been using CST. It was published as a letter in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine...

Study Groups and Seeking CST Treatment for Oneself… A Personal Reflection by Lesley Stratton

Published by Leave your thoughts

Two things that are always mentioned at sometime during CST 1 and CST 2 are the benefits firstly of attending a study group and secondly getting CST treatments for oneself. I remember this advice was given our CST1 class about fifteen years ago. In my defence, there were not as many study groups available but that is as much leeway I can give myself because I promptly forgot the advice on both accounts and did nothing...

Biting back?

Published by Leave your thoughts

After our first CST2 in Coventry last weekend I was reminded of the importance of teeth. We learn to treat the teeth in CST2 and we also covered it in a Visceral manipulation class I took in New York a few years back. I thought I would repost a blog I wrote back then and add an experience I had a while back too. The latter first...

CST & Scoliosis – a personal experience

Published by Leave your thoughts

Thank you Ann for sending this post with this great story...

'I attended the CST 1 workshop in Bristol last October and would like to thank the Upledger Institute (John Page in particular) for the excellent tuition I received and the motivation I was given to further improve my understanding of this fantastic therapy...