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Author Archives for superadmin

The first chapter in my story of bringing Upledger Therapy to Great Ormond Street Hospital, London by Nikki Kenward

Published by Leave your thoughts

The first chapter in my story of bringing Upledger Therapy to Great Ormond Street Hospital, London  by Nikki Kenward

I have always had a strong social conscience and wanted to be involved in work that makes a contribution to people in society who need help most. To this end I have worked as a dance artis

t with young male offenders in prisons and adult male prisoners, as a theatre practitioner with adults with learning difficulties, volunteered in Sarajevo as an Upledger Therapist and volunteered at Crisis over Christmas which is a homeless charity in London. Making lots of money from a private practice has never been my focus or interest!

So my social conscience has been poking me the last year or two to go into action again...

Some of the roots of our work…

Published by Leave your thoughts

Here is an excerpt from a biography of Andrew Taylor Still by John Lewis, called From the Dry Bone to the Living Man. I have posted it here as I think it is inspirational for us too and recognises some of the roots from whence CST was influenced through Dr Upledger's early trainng. 

'And of supreme importance was the way Still visualized - from the perspective of the cell and its requirements for normal function. He studied nature always from the inside, the heart, and as a subject, not an object. He looked from the creative angle. Nature was always intelligent, dynamic, in constant flux. He did not think by the book but by the moving event, and that is just about all the difference in the world.'

Read the whole excerpt by clicking below! 

Equine CST: A post class tale by Angela Lewis

Published by Leave your thoughts

Here is a story of the Equine CST class and the results I got on treating my daughters horse over a couple of months. 

(NB from UIUK - great article - lots of horse words the uninitiated may have to guess at - well I did anyway!) 

I was really looking forward to attending the ecosomatics course in Bristol in July 2014 and on arrival at the venue, Horse World, Bristol, was pleased to find a well maintained facility with happy and unstressed horses. We all assembled in the yard and were met by Sandi Howlett, our lecturer, who was brimming with enthusiasm and passion for ecosomatics  (and craniosacral in general)... 

How ‘The Move’ Happened…

Published by Leave your thoughts

Never ceases to amaze me that when you are really ready for things they somehow just show up.

We had been looking for alternative business accommodation as we had been bursting at the seams in the home office for quite a while now and getting closer and closer to a possible 'pop'. Yet our requirements were a little unusual as, on top of office space, what we really needed is a space to teach from into which we can fit a good number of tables, that is light and sunny, has a good feel (you know, that really important thing that is so hard to explain to your average estate agent!) and that is accessible to planes, trains and automobiles…

Then one day...

GRCCT has a new website (CSS news)

Published by Leave your thoughts

Heartfelt Greetings to all in the Upledger family!

Just to let everybody know that further to the visit of Barry Tanner to our AGM in May 2014, GRCCT now has a new interactive website which went live on 2 August 2014, with a more direct line to key personnel.

It makes finding or checking a therapist more user-friendly and if you put in your post code when prompted, a list of the five Upledger therapists closest to your home will appear. This makes it easier to find a therapist and is a useful advertising tool for qualified practitioners.