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Author Archives for superadmin

What exactly IS a Symposium?

Published by Leave your thoughts


Once every 4 years, we come together to celebrate everything that makes Upledger CranioSacral Therapy so special. We call it a Symposium, and it’s an event that brings together inspirational speakers, demonstrations & practical workshops, the latest research, and a chance to connect with what’s happening in our global community of Upledger therapists. After three days packed full of learning, practice and shared wisdom, we promise you’ll leave with a renewed sense of wonder at the remarkable work we do… 

What’s the ONE technique you couldn’t do without?

Published by Leave your thoughts

As Upledger therapists, we’re lucky to have such a powerful toolkit of techniques at our disposal. And while we need them all at different times to integrate into our treatments, most of us have a few favourites that we’re particularly fond of. Just for fun, we asked 10 of our students, therapists, and study group leaders: What’s the one technique you wouldn’t be without in your practice? Here’s what they said… 

Your CranioSacral Christmas Wishlist!

Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re wondering about stocking fillers for friends and family, or need some inspiration for what to put on YOUR Christmas list, look no further! We’ve put together some suggestions for you. In no particular order, here are our top suggestions for Christmas 2015! 



Symposium Spotlight: Susan Steiner on Working 3D

Published by Leave your thoughts

Welcome to the first of our Symposium Spotlight interviews! Susan Steiner joins us to give a little of her background, her time working with Dr Upledger and her passion and focus for her presentations at our Rhythm & Resonance Symposium next September: Developing 3D Awareness while treating ... plus why snorkelling is a metaphor for CST ...!



On CST for Chronic Depletion by Fiona Gilbraith

Published by Leave your thoughts

Eric Moya developed the CST for Chronic Depletion workshop using his extensive in-depth knowledge of Systems Theory. At first I was unsure how this was compatible with myunderstanding of Upledger CST. But having done the course and spent the weeks since putting this approach into practise, I realise that not only has it provided me with my most holistic treatment approach yet, but has taken me right back to the basic principles of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy. This is a truly patient-centred, facilitatory approach which ensures no agenda whatsoever on the part of the therapist...


My Top 10 Books of the Moment

Published by Leave your thoughts

Just in case you want some inspiration for things to read over what's left of the summer (or whenever you happen to read this) here are some ideas - relevant to CST but beyond our core texts we know and love). 

How many have you already read? How many do you have? (not the same thing!!) What would be on your list?