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Author Archives for superadmin

Tad Wanveer: on glia and a return visit

Published by Leave your thoughts

We are delighted to be welcoming Tad Wanveer, author of the book Brain Stars, Glia Illuminating Craniosacral Therapy, back to the UK soon to present CST Touching The Brain 1 and 2 courses.

Tad worked closely with Dr. Upledger, mainly while he was a staff therapist at the Upledger clinic serving as head of the intensive therapy program, clinician, co-director of the clinic, and illustrator of various work published by Dr. Upledger, such as Cell Talk.

The Weirdest Day

Published by Leave your thoughts

As a blogger and journalist I have found myself doing some weird stuff over the years … sitting naked inside a chamber being bombarded with ozone, for example; leading a horse around an obstacle course using only my thoughts; reviewing a Shakespeare production performed inside a gigantic steel box with only buckets of blood as props. 

Mentoring vs Study Groups – What’s the Difference?

Published by Leave your thoughts

Since 2015, when Eric Moya developed the mentoring programme and visited from across the pond to train up a group of our qualified practitioners, we have been able to offer students mentoring as an additional support mechanism. However, it seems that there is still some confusion as to how it differs from a study group. 

Avadhan Larson: What TBS1 & SER2 Bring Us

Published by Leave your thoughts

Could you tell us a little about your background and what first got you interested in - and then committed to - CST?

I began my career as an acupuncturist in 1979. I kept hearing about this mysterious modality called CranioSacral Therapy and I was intrigued. One weekend I received a massage at a local health spa and at the end of the session the therapist did two amazing things that dramatically changed my state both physically and mentally. (I didn’t know it at the time of course, but she did an OCB release and a CV4 still point.) I got off the table afterwards and said, “What was that?? Wow!” When she replied, ‘CranioSacral Therapy,’ I began looking for a course.

A Year in the Life of a CST Therapist

Published by Leave your thoughts

My year begins in October 2017. I had finally committed to rebooting my focus and set my intention to complete the Upledger training. I had been sidetracked for a good five years by family ill-health, death and random accidents and, as a mother of three and the only child close by to ageing parents, I spun and juggled the family plates. But looking up, once all those around me were stable and settled, it was time for me.

I enrolled on SER2...

Nick McIvor: On the Foundation in Body Science

Published by Leave your thoughts

For the last 14 years, I have been running multidisciplinary osteopathy clinics , but before that I was a bouncer!

My brother is an osteopath and my sister a palliative care consultant, and although historically, I had never had a specific interest in therapy myself, I have always been very much a ‘people person’ and minded about people...