0800 690 6966 - The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy

A Day Exploring Reseach in Clinical Practice with Prof Barbara Wilson

From Gabor Vajnai: Prof. Barbara Wilson is an eminent Neuro-Psychologist, founder of the Oliver Zangwill Centre near Cambridge, who works with us at the Raphael Medical Centre. She will be offering a day's course looking at how we can develop Reseach from our Clinical Practice, on November 30th at the centre in Tonbridge, Kent. 

She works with our clients at RMC too, and for the past few years she has been coaching our team to think in research terms and produce research evidence of our work. Her strength is in writing up research of rare cases i.e. locked in syndrome, severe behaviour difficulties, etc, which defy the categorisation of the usual large scale studies. Together with her colleagues, Robin Tate and others she also promotes the value of single case studies, and single case experimental designs.

With my colleagues in the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association we just begun to organise a day of lecture and workshop with Prof Wilson at the Raphael Medical Centre on the 30th November 2013 with the theme of “Research in Clinical Practice”. This is the opportunity that I was hoping to achieve since the Symposium in London and to invite you and others from the Upledger community to experience this inspiring working relationship with Prof Wilson.

The programme for the day is HERE and the booking details HERE. Do join us if you can!