IODPA Tour de Force – Inspired by the Upledger Community Programme

Nick McIvor: On the Foundation in Body Science

For the last 14 years, I have been running multidisciplinary osteopathy clinics , but before that I was a bouncer! My brother is an osteopath and my sister a palliative care consultant, and although historically,…

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Focus on Gabriel Orsi

Orsi is the Director of the Upledger Institute, Hungary, and is joining UIUK in March to help deliver our Paediatrics course in Brighton. She tells us about her career, her interest in teaching CranioSacral Therapy…

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Tad Wanveer on Touching the Brain

Tad Wanveer tells us about his history and how he came to be interested in CST, in readiness for his Touching the Brain course in Brighton, in April this year.   Book your place on…

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